Testimony of an African COVID-19 Survivor! #Corona virus

The first case of Covid-19 was recently reported (CGTN News) home in Cameroon, and South Africa, a country I lived in for a couple of years. Currently, the three biggest hit nations are South Korea, Italy and Iran whose cases have topped 1000, with a number of fatalities. Italy is the worst hit country outside Asia, where schools have now been shut. My focus is not giving you numerical statistics, but more of how life can be, with the thought of being affected by COVID-19. Our prayers go out to all the affected countries and the world at large.

You have heard all sorts of stories, especially in and from Cameroon. It was said that garlic consumption prevents the virus: I am no medical personnel but one thing I am sure of is, thousands will not be dead around the world, if garlic, which is cheaper than your internet data bundle, could keep them alive. Also, you heard that it was said that a black person cannot be infected, or let’s say, the virus cannot thrive in the body of a black person because he has a strong immunity due to his skin colour or ethnicity, and whatsoever. You wish this was true but it isn’t. You and I are just protected under the shadow of His wings.

Let’s talk about the glorious testimony of China based African student, Pavel (will leave it at first name) who had a head on fight with COVID-19 but gave it a good kick in the butt. He was diagnosed sometime in January and after receiving thorough treatment at a designated Chinese hospital, he was declared free after 13 days. He was sent to an isolation center where he receives continued medical check up till this date 07/03 , all free of charge. According to Pavel, winning this fight first begins with a personal mental decision to do so. Doctors can do as much as they can to save a person, but the latter has a role to play in staying healthy. “It is important to always disinfect your hands and environment and also avoid touching the nose and mouth.” He also advises against fear, which demolishes hope and cracks faster than any virus. The panic attack kills faster, says Chinese President.

He made it!

Dear Cameroonians, it can be hard to imagine that we are already dealing with so many issues and then the epidermic steps in. At this time, please avoid forwarding every kind of information on social media; first make sure it is true. The media informs but please do not over attach yourself emotionally to the media for information. Keep sanitation as top priority, sneeze and cough in your flexed elbows, avoid unnecessary large meetings, meaning social distancing is important. Also, the mask is primarily for sick people to prevent transmission, not even for those who are well, except if the well are in close contact or are caretakers of the unwell. This is because the virus spreads through droplets and does not fly in the air (Dr. Kgosi Letlape, Medical expert in SA). Now, I know that Cameroonians can be quite extreme…prevention is good but this does not mean to stigmatise someone who has a fever. This brings me to saying that, if you feel a cold, have a running nose or a fever, it does not imply you have been hit. A fever could mean many other things; however, if you feel sick, go straight to the hospital and do not hide yourself instead, for fear of being labeled. The earlier, the better. In essence, know what is, and what is not. Do not go around carrying panic on your head like a wig.

Preventive measures
Photo credit: Medicalxpress.com

You must not cave in fear, but now is the time to hold on to the Word you believe. I am confident that it is well. We can overcome as Pavel did.

(With full permission from the right quarters)

Kameilong JiaYou

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