I have come with Stories to tell.

The year is almost a month old friends! Somewhere in Asia, where I live. My husband and I took up our family ritual of seeking the Lord in the first 21 days of the month of January (beginning from Jan 2nd)… and yea by the grace of God, we made it through. Amen

But I’ve got to tell you that the Lord has been overly merciful towards us. This is 2019 starting off with a lot of testimonies and so I must let you in.

Taking it up from the very beginning, I have been married for 5 years….Wait a minute, I can hardly believe it….so it’s been a good half a decade years, from Jan 10th 2014, since my dear Husband and Lord, took custody of me…My God! there is a lot I have learned in these five years…That I am planning to put together in another write up.

My Best Friend, Bob.

And then, my older brother in the US got some documentation which have been pending for a while…..Yaaay. We are grateful to God for the victory

Then, it is my baby sister twinny’s turn for a grand seat on the FAVOUR Table. She got a scholarship to study for her Masters at a University in the UK. Yup yup! It had been a whole 15 months or so of waiting, trying and retrying….and then, voila! the package was delivered in its freshest form. Wow!

Next up, my pair of mums….Mommy and her twin sister turn 60 years old…. My daughter’s grandma is getting so younger….hahaha!!…Like where did time go though? Wow! God of Awesome wonder, you have kept them both in great health and wealth.

Happy 60th to Mom & Auntie

And then right back in my hub in China, we have another chance to keep serving at our current company. Another opportunity to put the ability of the Spirit in us to the service table, an occasion to put wits to paper. While we are at it, I just completed an online course called ITTT ( International TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) Teachers Training). It was a challenging 6 months plus of pressing towards the mark of completion. Besides being qualified to teach English as a foreign language, enormous benefits accrue.

Another Qualification

What’s more? I had a first shooting today (Jan 26th) for a project I must kick start this 2019… It is my YouTube Channel… Whoot! I have stopped myself from doing this, for so long, but I guess it is about time. Be sure that I will be dropping the full details of my intended YouTube journey soon, on this platform

Hmm is there anything else I left out?….. Don’t think so.

Keep a warm heart and take care of yourselves. I love you


How we Roll in Asia

Hello Lovelies! Happy New year 2019…. It is our year of Lights and also a year of Glory… Praise God.It is starting up great for me here in China, as we prepare for a typical Chinese New Year holiday which is a whole week in February(4-8).
I must say living in Asia takes a toll on my church involvement and walk with the Lord….Reason,I have got to be very intentional in ensuring I stood well, lest I fall. By government rule, we are not allowed to wear our Christianity on our sleeves….Kind of “Do not let your light shine before men(locals)lest you brainwash our people with your culture.” End of discussion for now!

Now to something else, one of the many Universities in my city, is home to a handful of African medical students on a 6 year study adventure. Every now and then, we host them at our home….If we are not singing African songs, we are swallowing African fufu or just lifting up HIS name. In the euphoria of this togetherness,we have Cameroonians, Zambians, Tanzanians, Rwandans, Zimbabweans, a South Sudanese and then an Indian guy joined us on two occasions.Even if we just want to feel free with each other and share some cultural similarities, that is perfectly ok….Going a whole evening without saying “Ni hao”(Chinese greeting) is way to go, reminding you you are not alone in this land.


The rub off Hub

Did I mention how we spent their lecture filled 2018 Christmas Day? A bunch of them honoured the dinner invitation I sent out. They began trooping into our home from 18:00 till it was 21:00ish. We had soooo much fun. We ate, spoke and danced. Each one came out of their cocoon.

many of us

Hey People!

During one occasion, we decided to celebrate our nations and ask the Father to heal our Fatherlands. Verily I say unto you, how good and pleasant it is when Africans dwell together in awesome fellowship and friendship!

Heal our Land, Father!

Beyond my Lipstick and Jeans

I dress up, step out,  looking all radiant and jovial. I had just braided my hair the African style and wore make up the way I learnt from a tutorial video I watched. Almost everyone I met exclaimed, “you hair is so pretty,” especially the Chinese locals. They had never seen “Expression” hairpiece braided into cornrows. Yes! I am happy and have everything all put together in my life. You would admire me at first glance and envy me at closer range but the secret of champions is in their stories. There is a whole experience at the backstage and that is what you do not see. Everyone has nakedness oh, we are just using different fabric to hide it. Yea, while you are using size 16 Louis Vuitton jean pants to cover yours, I may be using an Uncle Neba tailor(he sews for me)African print dress to conceal mine. We all have issues but we are all marvelously helped by God. What’s important is, we are all covering the backstage properly. Now, let me share with you how life happens beyond my lipstick and my jeans.

Firstly, I have a weakness with time and planning, From when I was schooling in South Africa, having a lot on my laps to do for a day, I tended to study at the edge of time. I don’t know if that happens to you but two to three days before the exam is when I grasp the most and believe me, I aced big time. An unconscious habit crept in, of always wanting to do things from a tight corner, but not so tight enough to throw me off balance. So now this has turned out to be a habit I must step out from and I am better now. So, the aftermath is a wonderfully clad Cynthia praising the Lord at church on Sunday, with her sweet family on one hand, and then an unmade up bed, a crowded sink, an untidy living room on the other hand waiting for my return. We almost never have visitors so we are safe!

I began with time management because it is extremely important and is the pivotal anchor of every successful move. A successful person is a good manager of time.

When you see my nice dps on social media, what you do not know is that I feel rotten (I learnt this from Communication Theories) that I do not have quality time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. To me, if that one is topnotch, every other thing will fall in place, so when I find myself lagging in this or that area, I blame it on my inconsistency with connecting in the Spirit.It gets me so bad that I remember typing on my whatsApp status, “Please help me Lord” and my ever caring elder sister thought I was in a big problem. Well, that seemed to be the problem that set me up in my heart of hearts.Then I realised that the lack of time is a myth, to a great extent. Oh Lord! my challenge is sleep,I sleep longer than I should. I started feeling uncomfortable, sleeping from 22:00 to 06:00 because a lot of things happen when men sleep. I need to be in the know of those things. Everyone (almost)is asleep at that time and if I do what everyone does, I get what everyone gets. A wise man said “the bottom is crowded” and I need space at the top.Now, I try to be awake late at night, firstly because I need to conquer that weevil called sleep, and also because I am alone to think,read, write, pray and then laugh!


Frontstage smile

Another big thing is developing a routine that works. Suddenly, I have three people to bother about, then I am the fourth person. You will understand that every activity needs to be coded;There is wake up ritual, brush teeth, potty training times, snack time, ABCD time, cartoon time, lunch time, Daddy time, church time….the list is endless. You need a correct sense of discipline to get these things done at the same time everyday. I will be honest with you, sometimes I fail to ensure my daughter brushes her teeth before bed time cos I am tired or simply lazy. Yet I read articles on the internet of sticking to a good ritual, especially with kids. For those who have and desire a big family, you should be as brave as a mountain climber. Imagine that on one day, I pay too much attention to probably the kids and I do not get to iron the laundry in time. I find that I am unbalanced at the end of the day. Maybe, I am checking out an online course to complete and I start making lunch later than planned, I still end up with a certain weird feeling that craves a healthy balance in my routines.
If you are a very busy person or a mum of multiple kids, please can you share your schedule with me? Would love to learn one or two tips.


What schedule works?

There is this tendency for the African woman to gain stubborn weight after child birth. For some, the weight disappears after one or two moves, for others, after serious exercise, yet for a certain group, it is a whole fight of faith. Dear friends, ever since I was a teenager, I have never been a super slim girl, but c’mon, I stopped drinking fizzy drinks and I have a gym membership now. The rewards had better been showing. Then I sleep at night and expect to wake with a 10kg loss, hahahaha. I start this workout plan, and then shortly after, opt for another thinking the latter is better…Infact, behind my smile, I am hoping to easily find a dress to buy for myself in a random shop in Zhongguo (China). I must lay aside every weight which clings so closely…what is this?


Let Workout work

I live in a place where besides my immediate family, all other family and friends live inside my phone…that, perhaps is the reason I am always with my phone. This bond between me and my phone has become a huge distraction to me, such that I have to advice myself to “drop that phone and get busy.” If you are one of those who grab your phone first thing in the morning, instead of a quiet time, then you have to join me overcome this vice. You will always have WhatsApp messages but you must do what you have to do first,talking with the Great I am in order to triumph throughout the day.

The great news is that we can live life beyond the challenges that no one sees. We do not wear our difficult times on our sleeves or carry them on a sign post. Every person has what he is believing God for, even that anointed preacher. Some are secrets you won’t fathom, if you ever heard. Relax because It is well. So my dear, what is beyond your lipstick and jeans? you want to fix that without being weary? You want to tell me about it in the comment section?

God bless you

From Dawn to Dusk!!!


The only name I have of him is Busho. He is a 32 year old able bodied man who for the last four years of his life, knows nothing about getting through a house door and shutting same or turning on and off the lights. You know why? Well, that’s because he has been living in the bush, somewhere in Bloemfontein South Africa, away from his home town….. Sure!you heard me. The bush has been home to Busho since 2013. Take a look at the place he calls a shelter.


Busho’s Appartment

To you who complains about your leaking roof, take a moment to reflect on the fact that Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but Busho has nowhere to lay his head. You may also want to know that this young man has two kids of 15 and 10 years old, living with their mum. As you would imagine, he has no stake in the lives of these children,because he needs huge help, himself.

On the Sunday we first met this gentleman, he walked into our church, attracted by the praise and worship which was at climax. The moment he got in and sat at the back, I am pretty certain that most people, just like me, thought this guy was mentally disturbed. The dreadlocks he had were very unkempt and his dressing clearly stated that he needed help. I missed capturing the moment for you to concur with me. Paradoxically, he is quite sane in the head and speaks understandable English, though Sotho is his mother tongue.
Pastor Eric Bobga is the Man of God who welcomed Busho into his church. The former got to learn from this young man what his real situation in life is. As a result, the Man of God decided that besides the lad needing to be taught to fish, he also needed urgent fish, that is how serious it was. It was not long before Pastor Eric took up Busho’s case and integrated him into his(Ps Eric)activities, welcoming him at his home occasionally.
Listen now, here is the real problem of this gentleman, as I would now call him. He was born and raised in a town in the Free State Province of South Africa. Without proper education and with absentee parents, he stopped school in Gr 8, which is like F2 in Cameroon. He became a parent at age 17…tho not knowing his left from right. Due to a series of sad events,he found himself in Bloemfontein in the same province.Knowing no one and having nowhere to go, his best bet was the streets in the day and the bush at night for rest.Now, you will agree with me that someone who lives as a scavenger is vulnerable to any vice that life throws at him. He may have engaged in worse things but the one he confessed was being helplessly addicted to sniffing shoe glue…Brethren, if u have forgotten how pungent that thing smells, visit the ‘kok-kok'(shoe mender), it is horrible.
Busho is one of many in South Africa, who prefer the streets, to their homes. Most, if not all of them resort to sniffing glue as a form of drug and substance abuse, since they cannot afford others like cocaine and weed.
All efforts by Pastor Eric to move Busho from the Bush, to a sort of rehab center, proved futile. Because it is prohibited to bring in glue to that new house, this guy could not stand living without getting high. He coined stories kicking against the new home but the reason we knew was very obvious. At this moment,if you ask me where Busho is, I will take you right to the bush which he prefers.

Sincerely, I think when baby Busho was born, he was received with great joy. His parents most probably did not envisage that his life would become this damaged, right at his prime. They likely foresaw the best future for him but as it is, no success is automatic or accidental. It must be carefully planned and mapped to make it a reality. The importance of family values cannot be overemphasized. A child may be a product of a broken condom or an unwanted result of some few foolish minutes of pleasure, but the Lord created and called each one by name.
I always tell parents, the Lord has entrusted a life in your hands and you have the task, answerable to Him to care for that child and ensure that he is a success.
Listen dear Mummy and Daddy, you may not have wanted that baby but now he is here, what do you do? You no longer live for yourself but your kids…You must have them in mind when you think of divorcing, u must have them in mind when u think of cheating, u must think of them as a single parent, when u choose a partner, u must consider them in every decision u make cos now u have people who stare at u in the face and ask you for food when there are signs of none. As you stay at home with no income, expecting financial favour from God in the form of manna, know they are picking up the same lazy attitude.
I wonder at those men and women who sleep all day and night, not knowing where Deuteronomy is in the Bible, not caring to wake and talk to the giver of children, meanwhile the adversary is busy playing games with the destiny of their children.
Dear Mama and Papa, I ask myself what you are up to, not dedicating your child’s life at church,upon birth and then also going as far as sticking around with the kids on Sunday mornings, when you should convey them all to church. All you can say is,’we went to bed late after the country meeting of yesterday. We could not make it to church early this morning.’ You may also take it lightly to tell friends casually that your son is lazy and cannot do anything. Well, your words are building up.
I totally admit that some parents invest much virtue in their kids when they are younger, but these kids meet with some stumbling blocks that alter the plan of their parents. However, generally the good manners you instill in your kids follow them even in the darkest night. if you doubt me, ask my mother.
The day you became a parent, u committed to being a caretaker and a custodian of life. You have a huge role to play in providing a nursery of good habits as he grows up. Parents are the number one constituency in the child’s life from dawn to dusk.

Woman, who art thou?

So here is an anecdote….my three year old is losing weight lately. Kayleen Gwanfogbe would hardly sit down for a proper meal. The very few times she does, they are duly followed by a thunderous applause. What’s more, it is easier to chew aloe vera or even bitter kola, than to get my little girl complete a simple hair do. You need to see the wrestling she, her Dad, the hairstylist and I get into each time we only have to wash the hair. In all these tings, all fingers are pointing at me, including even mine, when I and several others ask me questions like,’Cy, what is happening to this child? Why has she lost so much weight?’ My Auntie too is not helping matters at all, when she says to me,’what hair products do you apply on Kay’s hair, why is her hair breaking this much, what kind of ‘mami’ style is this on this child’s hair?’ I guess this is what I get for being a mother. I do not even know whether I am to use a cane constantly to shove garri and okro, down the throat of my tall 3 year old, or tie her to a chair to get simple conrows done…Dear Father, I thank you very much for the gift of my daughter but just to spare me from the Hair Ministry, which I have to fulfill each time from a very tight and pressured corner, I receive boys in my next pregnancy, in Jesus’ name(Well, you may think I am exaggerating until you get right in the spot that I am….lol). Amen

That said, it is nothing close to mother’s day or Women’s day but I just have to go poetic in awe of this great creature called woman. Looking at the likes of great feminine figures like my mum, and all others who have bravely raised their families, I salute womanhood. If you are reading this post as a woman, I congratulate you cos though you didn’t choose to be one, you are absolutely good at it.
First of all, I appreciate you cos though your feminism is sometimes questioned amidst some stiff circumstances or opposition, you rise above the drowning waters to prove that you can be the best student in your class, the best medical doctor, pilot or Journalist and there is no stopping you even when ridden down by cruel male chauvinistic views.
I appreciate you because you, at one point, dedicate the rest of your life to a man you dare to call your ruler and master, your husband.Wow! you a wife. You leave your father’s home, your friends, in some cases your job and career, part of your independence and autonomy to sometimes a far away land, all in the name of marriage.In some cases, you have to climb slowly through the ladder of financial, social and mobility freedom, most especially in a foreign land. Oftentimes caught up with trying to find your steps as a wife and adapting to new cultures, changing your surname and shouldering some of the excesses of certain out of order in-laws, is all you go through in your new title of Mrs. It is a great emotional, physical and physiological change you are undergoing my darling.
My dear woman, I stand in awe of you cos a million and one things happen in your body as you start the journey of becoming a mother. Pregnancy is no joke as you would agree with me. You are all smiles because you conceived a wonder in your stomach…my dear sister, you are a miracle worker, together with the Lord. A human being or multiples is growing and kicking inside of you as you can hear the heart beat when you go for ANC!!!Great job sister. You are working wonders but God knows the sorry state you are in during those 9 months. The morning sickness, nausea, mood swings, weight gain among other conditions may put you in a state of malaise, such that you would rather wish for the menstrual cramps. Thereafter, a thousand words are not enough to describe the pains of labour and childbirth. Sincerely, I cannot forget my first experience, in such a hurry. Being a mother to kids is the most precious career in the whole world. You are a mother first to your mother in-law’s baby boy which she handed to you (My husband is one of them but please don’t tell him I said so oh!) In this career, dear lady, you have made your house a home, you keenly prayerfully closely watch your kids to ensure they are growing up with some values. When everyone is asleep, even when its bed time for you, you are either parking tomorrow’s lunch boxes, patching up little Johnny’s school trousers or ironing Daddy’s outfit for the next day. My dear, you are wonder just because you watch over your family and you pray for each one of them.

I celebrate you woman cos besides being a mother, you are formally schooled and so you have a career to pull. Even though some may in some cases, give up their career and corporate life for solidifying the home front, others find the need to balance home and career. I am clapping for you because you manage the pressure from your corporate boss and your domestic boss. While well suited behind that desk, you haven’t stopped thinking about your little one’s PTA meeting or what Daddy would eat for supper.You are such a multi tasked creature, for being a woman. And you know, you may have no corporate job yet find ways of using your hands to make money, just so that you proudly swipe your credit card and not your husband’s.

You keep so many relationships…with your husband, your kids, your family, your in laws, your colleagues, your neighbours and most importantly with the Lord Jesus. Here is one thing I tell myself, I can satisfy my household with all the baking and cooking of the latest discoveries but what I must not neglect is my relationship with the Lord. I reject the spirit of busy Martha. I refuse to do the work of the Lord and miss the Lord of the work(Apostle Johnson Suleman).
Dear woman, you are all in all amazing and here is to a brave you.

Be Strong

Behind Closed DOORS

What happens behind your closed door? What do you do when you are stuck somewhere without a solution and no one is watching? How do you keep your sanity and integrity intact, in a dark period where it seems easier to do evil than good? Would you break in despair, giving in to inordinate tendencies, or rather convert the “incubation” period to a lifetime of power? The Behind closed door encounter is the mother of any lifestyle in the long run, it is only a matter of time.

I have held unto this story for a while but I guess it’s time to share. My name is Cy and I currently live in Guangzhou, China. In the month of May, 2021, I then lived in Wuhan from where I made a quick weekend trip to the city of Guangzhou to see my husband, who was there for a business deal. After my stay in Gz, upon my arrival at the Guangzhou airport Sunday night for my return flight, the news hit me like a shock…I needed to present a valid negative COVID 19 test result before embarking on the flight. For this reason, I ran back into the city to get this done and then only travelled on Monday, one day of work missed.

Now, as I arrived Wuhan, I was scrutinizingly conducted to a room, which I later understood to be the waiting area for my long journey behind closed doors. Ladies and gentlemen, the outcome is me serving one month quarantine: two weeks in a hotel room and the other two, in my apartment. Staying in a strange enclosed room, for 24 hours multiplied by many days….the thought itself was sickening. At this point, I understood what it means to be isolated, I could better condone with anyone who complains of loneliness. First, I was in denial…”Father, take me out of this room. There’s no way I am spending a day in this room, much less up to 14.” I was so embittered and frustrated, as I lay on the beautiful hotel bed which was situated adjacent to the window, for enough sunlight during the day.

The hotel experience

A million and one thoughts ran through my mind. I was only gone for two days…I didn’t bring along stuff enough to last me a whopping two weeks. I spent the first night and then a second, then it dawned on me that if the miracle isn’t one of preventing Daniel from being thrown into the den, then it is shutting the mouths of the lions when the guy is thrown in.

Trying to keep the smile, after a good cry

On day 3, I woke up in the morning, and then I realised that throwing a pity party for myself, was going to kick me off mental balance. I made a conscious decision…I was going to be happy, even in quarantine. These remaining 11 days are not gonna come as fast as the wind, even though people say time flies. I had a chat with myself. “Cy, it is either you make it or mar it in this period.” Then I arose (figuratively) and told myself, “Why sit we here until we die?” Actually, I have heard of great men who spent thousands of dollars for hotel lodging, just to have alone time for a spiritual retreat or work on a project. Here I was with a whole two weeks of free hotel accommodation and free food. At this point, I cheered up in my spirit and body, and decided to not go around looking for pity from people who phoned me at that time. I intentionally decided to make the most of this time indoors and make the experience worthwhile.

I lived happily through the several number of calls at my door, either for Covid tests, temperature checks or food delivery. Information reached me that I could drop my apartment keys at my hotel room door for someone to help me pick up some stuff from home and deliver them back at the hotel. The hotel staff would act as intermediary between me and this helper. First, I jumped at the favour, but later decided otherwise, because the process was not going to be as smooth as it sounded. Consequently, I intentionally resolved to helping myself throughout my stay in this temporary shelter, and this in hindsight, was such a gift to myself.

Medics on daily temperature checks (duty)

Here are the odds: The meals, delivered thrice a week were nothing to write home about. I was out of a lot of supplies, there wasn’t any way possible I was gonna keep up my workout routines, I was without my laptop, hence I couldn’t get any substantial work done. So how was I supposed to live stress-free in an enclosed space, under such conditions?

It isn’t exactly far-fetched that my phone became my best friend, to alleviate the ill feeling I was beginning to nurse. I used my phone to order assorted snacks to substitute the meals I skipped, I equally ordered my workout outfit to keep myself active indoors, plus every other tiny thing in between, and of course watched different sorts of inspiring and entertaining videos online. And even though my employer sounded edgy about the certainty of retaining my job, I turned that mess into a message. I put up a cheerful attitude, gave off positive vibes to the people I spoke to on phone, embraced this time of rest and rejuvenation and also just relaxed and had nothing to worry about. But the story was far from over, I was conducted to my apartment to complete the remaining two weeks of my quarantine. But sincerely, by this time, my mind had already won the battle over the fear of being trapped behind closed doors.

The not so yummy food

The results, I took out some time to fast and wait on the Lord, I made some relationship reconnections and then thrived on one habit I have been trying to foster, which is waking up at night to pray. At the end of the day, I had a splendid and fulfilling time behind closed doors.


The African Student Side Hustle in China

China, according to statistics, is a study destination for well over 500,000 African students spread across different universities. Such make up the amazing experience of expatriate life in China, most especially, as students on a definite pursuit.

Now, it is no news that the government of China, most times in partnership with some African countries provide scholarships to a handful of African students to complete post graduate degrees in universities across the country. But what happens to those who have to totally depend of financial support from Africa (self support)?

Expatriate life in Wuhan, China

Student life in a country which serves as home, far away from home can be a mixture of highlights and downtimes, heavy on campus exuberance but also not without the game of survival. One thing which must be in constant supply is money for handouts and regular use. Here is the crucial part; you see, whenever school fees payment deadline is approaching, students are on their toes as they anticipate a full cooperation from their parents. We have had the chance to grant audience to one or two students at the moment of anxious wait.

But besides tuition fees, a youngster needs extra cash now and then to gratify some extra demands. For these, you will agree that money from Africa is up to the mark but never enough. Do you truly think it’s only the money from Papa that makes the skin glowing and the hair popping? How can an international student in China add up 1 and 2 together to make ends meet? Yes! There is no harm in getting out of a comfort zone to generate a decent income for yourself as a student, by thinking of and doing something which will make life on campus more haunting even years after completion. We are talking side hustle.

The expat student glow

Carelle Victoire is a 5th year medical student at the Jianghan University in Wuhan. Besides being an intentional student on a precise mission, she is equally a self-made hairdresser whose hands leave the Midas Touch on the head of almost every girl on her campus and across the city. The young Cameroonian revealed that she went from just trying here and there and helping close friends to a strong push factor in her heart that to take this further. So she began to diligently dive into full mastery of this art by watching videos, learning and practicing. And voila! She is now a highly solicited brand across the city and for this reason, she has to rightly divide her attention between her job (studying medicine) and her work (being a hairdresser).

Doctor on Monday, Hairdresser on Saturday
The Branding goal

Let’s talk about Joseph Ngoma, popularly known by his mates as King Joe. He is a 4th year medical student at the same campus. The Zambian young man has proven truth in the saying, “you can be anything you put your mind to.” Wuhan’s 2020 quarantine was the ideal time for King Joe to transport his idea from a mere imagination, to a full blown tangible business venture, “Phronesis Apparel”. Apart from being spotted with his doctor’s scrub, you can also find the student doctor aka entrepreneur hard at work, head bent over a sewing machine with a pair of scissors in hand, as he tailors African print fabric into amazing pieces which give a unique fashion sense to his client base.

Jospeh Ngoma, Founder of Phronesis Apparel
Phronesis Apparel expo

Carelle and King Joe are just 2 out of an uncountable number of Africa students in China who have mastered a variety of skills like YouTubing, baking, marketing amongst a host of others. These craftmanship, they are using for their financial gain. From the onset of their academic journey, most of these students did not imagine that they will be out here, dotting i’s and cutting ts to upgrade themselves, As I earlier mentioned, it’s a noble thing to get financial support from your parents but it is even more honourable when during the course of your study, you add on new knowledge or a skill that does not only serve you and others, but also proves virtues of tenacity, versatility and commitment.

What better moment to appreciate student life in China, than this time of graduation when thousands of students across the country, celebrate at the finish line? As they move on with earned degrees, they also celebrate milestones that will be forever captured in their experiences, moving forward. We are talking about challenging themselves to doing something new, unboxing their brains, staying the course to master the art and then revolutionising a thought to a viable outlet. It is during these processes that life long lessons like financial intelligence and financial independence are learned and inculcated. At this point, worthy of note is this, your degree will open doors for you, but remember that there is no key to success in life and career. The door is always open for he who knows how to walk through.


…After Morning devotion…

Morning devotion is that period of the day when you see face to face, everyone that lives in the house. For all you know, life and hustle have people practically coming in and out the house at different times; but when you show up at 6 am in the sitting room, that’s when you realise that Auntie Martha has been bleaching her face.

If you grew up anywhere in Africa, you know what I mean. A typical household, used to be(or is) made up of both immediate and extended family members, and sometimes even domestic workers. So normally every one has their spot in the sitting room from which some are singing and others are just babbling, to please Mom and Dad. Usually, the spot next to Mommy or Daddy is for the good girls and boys, so do not sit there if you won’t clap or if your conscience will read through your face. As the devotion is going on, Mommy (or Daddy, but in most homes, Daddies are absent from these meetings) has her eyes round the room to scan people’s characters with her eyes, from their level of participation. Soon, you hear her pick brother or sister at the back to give a song, or recall what was shared the previous day. Another common thing is Mommy saying something like, ” Cynthia, you are not singing, but during the day, your voice is the loudest in the kitchen.” Hahaha you can relate, I know you can! It is during this time that besides sharing the Word of God and praying, general notices and admonishments are passed out because as you would expect, a multitude of people under one roof, a myriad of offences towards one another.

Photo credit: Michael Kelley

Morning devotion is good. Fellowship for worship is never a waste of time, and the 6 am sitting room ritual sends the message to every house member and visitor that “we are a Christian home.” BUT as vital as this activity is, it takes more than just morning devotion to know what is under your kids’ bed. Listen, a whole lot is happening in the lives of your kids and you need to be watchful enough to be in the know. I am not asking you to push a paranoia button but let your thinking go deep when it comes to the social life and well being of the people in your household, especially the kids. You had better not turn on the neutral gear concerning some sensitive things about the people who are under you care.

Photo credit: WELS

You see, some of us grew up in homes where we pray about the problem and not talk about it. Some of our parents do well to find out there’s a problem, speak about the issue as a reference point during morning devotion but only a few actually meet the child to ask what truly is happening. What a pity! I need you to remember that all those hands clapping, mouths singing and eyes watching you as you admonish, are owned by people who may have a truck load of issues happening in their lives. How would you know when you have your eyes in the air? How would you even realise there is a canker worm eating gradually into the fibers of the character of your little girl? Let me remind you that a lot of water passes under the bridge between two morning devotion sessions.

You introduced your children to the Lord and His Word….good for you. You teach them life’s principles during morning devotion and you go as far as schooling them on the reality of heaven and hell, that’s nice but as long as there are other potential influencers like peers and social media, you need to make sure that the values you are teaching them are pinned in their hearts all day long (even though I admit that there is only an extent you can go). This will not only happen during morning devotion. You can’t make the mistake of assuming that because they know Jesus, sing along during family devotion time, then they are alright. Jesus is not their parent, but you! Therefore, be pro-active in your approach and do not wait to manage a crises(reactive). Sarcastic conscience provoking speeches or yelling in the corridors is definitely not the way to go. If you anticipate a misbehaviour with child A, take it up (either Mommy, Daddy or both) with them in a friendly discussion and don’t make a fuss about it, no need! Rule of thumb is, you can only be befriended if you are friendly and how good and pleasant it is to be a sometimes goofy Mommy or Daddy buddy!

Photo credit: shutterstocks.com

Technology is evolving and so must we. I can’t say for sure if this makes parenting any easier, but it is my utmost hope that the contemporary parent is intentional about using new tech beneficially, while simultaneously guarding against its pitfalls. There is not telling the influence of the internet on both young and old so you need to be sure that your eyes are on the ground and your perception is sharp enough to pick every signal. Do not be like the traffic cops who plant hidden cameras to catch defaulters and get legal penalty fees, better be the ones who put warning signs that there are cameras ahead, so drive responsibly.

photo credit: riverwoodonline.org

Mommy and Daddy, morning devotion time won’t suffice. Get into your pre teenagers and teenagers’ rooms and strike a conversation where you rub off, teach life long lesson that are even embedded in jokes and riddles. Before you raise your voice or a cane, raise a word or conversation!


Grace and Peace,


How to Manage Life Indoors…COVID-19

At the beginning, it looked like we were not going to survive another day, behind closed doors, but we made it. Thing have fairly gotten back to normal, in other cities in China, but at the base in Wuhan, we are pretty much making the most of life indoors. Over the past moths, we have seen a lot of concern and prayers from people all around the world, now it is our turn to pour back out that love to Italy and the rest of the world. Looking at the situation critically, it is better and wiser to stay safe indoors with your house mates, than to want to live your freedom, putting yourself and others in harm’s way. Therefore if your government asks you to stay indoors, please do.

I know you are used to having the kids hop off to school, you commute to work and you all only meet in the evening. I know even though you were looking forward to a holiday from work, this is not the type you want. I am also aware that the work space gives you a little get away from domestic hustle. More so, meeting the brethren for church meetings is an uplifting to our spirits.

Now all that has changed and so how do you fill up this time? I usually say, I could be everything else but bored, especially not at this time, because I’ve got an unending list of things to do, everyday. Depending on your life situation, there might be little or many changes. If you have kids, you would probably be busy with Home Based Learning. No matter how you choose to explain it to your kids, these sweethearts need to understand why they are not with their mates at school. The more kids you have, the more difficult it can be to manage their stay home time, especially if you live abroad and by yourself. It is evident that home management at this time will be more tasking , but here is a booster for you to know that even when the body is tired, the “parental conscience” has to keep you going.

Quarantine Day something

If you are in a complete lock down, meal prep is gonna be harder but your housemates (esp the kids) can bear a change of menu for the time being. Staying home almost means an unending list of house chores, plus round the clock family time. You may want to seize the chance to tightly bond with your kids and spouse, you may want to be hands on, on the things at home, which you usually totally delegated to others.It is a good time to teach your teenage boys to make up their beds and wash their own plates, and then look your little girl in her eyes and tell her she is amazing. I think it may be a good time to pay attention to some of the core values of your family life, which you had been keeping aside, for the right time. As you have experienced, the teachers are teaching their own kids at their homes as parents so please be intentional about being a Mommy and Daddy teacher. Monitor what they watch on social media in a bid to beat boredom or to learn. I use a number of websites to teach my daughter (you can ask me).

Finding fun ways

Suffice it to say, freedom is expensive. So now that your routine has been “broken,” there is a need to fill the vacuum by readjusting your activities. A temptation to revisit some of those thoughts and bad habits that you had swept under the carpet, is not exactly far fetched. It took you power, love and a sound mind to dump some things so please do not let COVID 19 quarantine take you back to Egypt. You can rather take time to invest in your life and destiny: Read a book, learn a skill, build your marriage or relationship and then deepen your relationship with the Lord. Find praiseworthy ways to keep yourself off mental anxiety.

Home Based Workout

Please keep guard against constantly wanting to eat because of stress or boredom. Always remember that it is sweet when you eat, but it burns when you workout…..LOL. You may add some weight during this time, so plan to workout by any possible means (you can at least jump rope). Let me also say this; if you conceive in this month of March, you are having a baby in December, do you want one or not? Selah

God bless you


Testimony of an African COVID-19 Survivor! #Corona virus

The first case of Covid-19 was recently reported (CGTN News) home in Cameroon, and South Africa, a country I lived in for a couple of years. Currently, the three biggest hit nations are South Korea, Italy and Iran whose cases have topped 1000, with a number of fatalities. Italy is the worst hit country outside Asia, where schools have now been shut. My focus is not giving you numerical statistics, but more of how life can be, with the thought of being affected by COVID-19. Our prayers go out to all the affected countries and the world at large.

You have heard all sorts of stories, especially in and from Cameroon. It was said that garlic consumption prevents the virus: I am no medical personnel but one thing I am sure of is, thousands will not be dead around the world, if garlic, which is cheaper than your internet data bundle, could keep them alive. Also, you heard that it was said that a black person cannot be infected, or let’s say, the virus cannot thrive in the body of a black person because he has a strong immunity due to his skin colour or ethnicity, and whatsoever. You wish this was true but it isn’t. You and I are just protected under the shadow of His wings.

Let’s talk about the glorious testimony of China based African student, Pavel (will leave it at first name) who had a head on fight with COVID-19 but gave it a good kick in the butt. He was diagnosed sometime in January and after receiving thorough treatment at a designated Chinese hospital, he was declared free after 13 days. He was sent to an isolation center where he receives continued medical check up till this date 07/03 , all free of charge. According to Pavel, winning this fight first begins with a personal mental decision to do so. Doctors can do as much as they can to save a person, but the latter has a role to play in staying healthy. “It is important to always disinfect your hands and environment and also avoid touching the nose and mouth.” He also advises against fear, which demolishes hope and cracks faster than any virus. The panic attack kills faster, says Chinese President.

He made it!

Dear Cameroonians, it can be hard to imagine that we are already dealing with so many issues and then the epidermic steps in. At this time, please avoid forwarding every kind of information on social media; first make sure it is true. The media informs but please do not over attach yourself emotionally to the media for information. Keep sanitation as top priority, sneeze and cough in your flexed elbows, avoid unnecessary large meetings, meaning social distancing is important. Also, the mask is primarily for sick people to prevent transmission, not even for those who are well, except if the well are in close contact or are caretakers of the unwell. This is because the virus spreads through droplets and does not fly in the air (Dr. Kgosi Letlape, Medical expert in SA). Now, I know that Cameroonians can be quite extreme…prevention is good but this does not mean to stigmatise someone who has a fever. This brings me to saying that, if you feel a cold, have a running nose or a fever, it does not imply you have been hit. A fever could mean many other things; however, if you feel sick, go straight to the hospital and do not hide yourself instead, for fear of being labeled. The earlier, the better. In essence, know what is, and what is not. Do not go around carrying panic on your head like a wig.

Preventive measures
Photo credit: Medicalxpress.com

You must not cave in fear, but now is the time to hold on to the Word you believe. I am confident that it is well. We can overcome as Pavel did.

(With full permission from the right quarters)

Kameilong JiaYou

Life in Wuhan! #Coronavirus

I am writing from our home in Wuhan, where I live with my family. I have the Lord to thank for DIVINE health. By the way, this is a special salutation to every one driving a Corolla, especially the 2019 Corolla Hatchback….LOL. Just kidding.

This is an update of how life has been for “Wuhanese.” It is day 37 ish (I stopped counting) since the city has been locked down and day 13 of what was said to be a 3 day effective quarantine for residents and businesses. We were ordered to not leave our neighborhood gate. This has been the toughest part of managing the whole situation, because we still need supplies, especially DIAPERS (I don’t know what reflection my little boy sees each time he looks at the potty, I will probably use some tips!).

Photo credit: CGTN

So this is how it’s done; Community residents have created social media (WeChat) groups through which we order food online. People sign up with their names and specific house addresses, to make delivery easy. There are a number of volunteers who channel the grocery needs of the people to the shops and then deliver at the entrance gate or at their houses. As you can imagine, the groups are packed with people, typing Chinese, nonstop. I am part of a group but….how much Chinese can I type? Then comes this amazing lady neighbour of mine, who offers to help me. With four mouths to feed at mine, I am constantly writing grocery lists. Moe is the God sent lady to whom I tender all my requests….she has the strenuous task of finding stuff for me, from one online shop to the next, tracking whenever they are open for business. Bless her darling heart! Consequences are, we hardly find green leafy vegetables. Most of the things we like to eat are mostly unavailable and as you can rightly guess, food is much more expensive now. It is either you cook or you starve! Through it all, we are grateful to God that there is food at least. We are having so much fun indoors, having family time, and baking new things and we are fine.

Volunteers delivering grocery.
Photo credit: NBC News

Admittedly, for most people, the concern has shifted from the fear of an infection, to the psychological and mental anxiety which arise from being shut indoors for close to 40 days, like Biblical Noah. What I mean is, this is the time when we constantly get checked up on and we check up on others too, to encourage and boost morales. Our employers organise weekly video conference calls, to listen and pray for us. My husband, Bob also video calls the African students, to encourage and pray with them. This is the time when people have retreated to doing the things that make them happy, to stay in mental stability. As you know, some may be reverting back to old habits they had sworn to quit, as a means of finding balance, from a cognitive dissonance. Now, we just remember the promises of the Lord, to be still and know that He is God. We have dealt with the virus in the realm of the spirit as we prayed and commanded (Pst Chris Oyahilome). At this point, I want to sincerely thank all those who have reached out to us. You are amazing!! Guess what, my phone shut down on me at such a time (find me on WeChat and Facebook). No business to fix it and no shipping a new one into the city. I surely will be alright!

Photo credit: Biblical Strategies

A lot of things have changed in China, from government to very personal individual and family plans. We keep on receiving information of new dates for school reopening. Lastly, it was said that business will begin on March 10th and it had better been so or earlier, because I need to recharge my domestic gas which is almost out. LOL… To tell the truth, I am so proud of China, I am proud of the selfless medical staff on the front line, I am proud of the sanitation workers and community volunteers, I am proud of the Lord and I am proud of me. You can ask me why, later.

Zhongguo Jia you

Wuhan Jia you

The Diary of a Stay Home Mom!

My name is Cynthia. I am the Director in charge of domestic affairs at the Gwanfogbe Lion (PLC) Corporation. What better time to tell you about my job, than during an almost one month “house arrest” experience, owing to the Corona virus outbreak in Zhongguo.

“What does his wife do for a living?” “Nothing! She is just a full time housewife.”

I am pretty sure you have heard this a lot and most times, some of you, right after have jumped in, in objection and defense to the nobility of the role of the diligent worker called a stay home mom, a house wife or the one who does nothing.

The broad smile is the seams that hold the fiber of my home

Nevertheless, I am not here to tell you that these people do a whole lot which you cannot understand. Neither am I here to call them lazy lay abouts. Think of it this way, if we live life from inside out, then you should be clapping for the person who tidies up the inside and makes the outside projection, a sight to behold!

My best buddy

I was talking earlier about my job, so let’s get to it. Some few years ago, I was busy at the corporate front, trying to build a career for myself and then there was a twist to the story line of my life and so I had to pause and watch, as the Director gave me another script. Believe you me, I like the new role but I didn’t think that playing this role was gonna be such a roller coaster ride. So to start, I gladly rode along in this movie shooting but what is on board, I am still busy unpacking. But wait, how could the Director give me such a stereotyped role to play. And I must say, I am playing this role pretty well, because to a very large extent, I am removed from my African environment where people give back seats to SHM(Stay Home Moms), to a “Western” community where it is ok to yell out that, “I am going to stay home, homeschooling my kids till they are ready for college.”

Hands on

Is this situation just messing up with my head? Sincerely, did I go to school, get degrees, to come listen to the clock tick as I wash the dishes? Or like I would choose to look at it; am I a huge investor of indispensable tender love and care on fertile grounds which will produce 30, 60 and 100 fruits? So here is a resume of my job description;

I basically manage the shenanigans of my boss and corporation members. I am the lady who tries to ensure the temperature is right for domestic activities to culminate in a good public image. I serve A, B, C and myself too. Sometimes, I wish someone else will serve me; I am just being honest. The domestic tools, equipment and procedures know my name and I am supernaturally strengthened in my inner man to do this job daily.

Priceless moments

While I am at it, I am ironing out my relationship with Jesus and with the relevant and significant persons in my life. Most importantly also, I am hands on at researching on corporate opportunities for myself, while learning tips on how to simultaneously manage the home front and the outside work when the time comes. If you do not read anything from this, get this: there is time for everything.

If you are a working mom, you are awesome!

If you are a stay home mom, you are amazing. Whichever, just do not lose yourself in the process!

I am cheering you on.


China’s Corona virus: The Aftermath (From an Insider).

It is true that news spreads fast, truer that bad news sells even faster than fresh morning bread. In case you do not know, China is currently fighting a new virus which was initially discovered, December 31st 2019, New Year’s Eve. As we wrapped up 2019, we started the year with a fight.

This country is so vast with so many different cities .Guess what, Wuhan city is the epicenter of the 2019 Novel Corona Virus. It happens to be the city where me and my family live! A little medical Synopsis of the virus. It is air borne and affects the respiratory system and was first found to be transmitted from animals to humans. When the news first broke, we were advised to avoid any contact with all live animals. A later research proved that it is now transmissible from person to person…this makes it even worse. A person who has been infected will have a fever, cold chills, a flu…..and what else??? Well, I don’t know how differently this sounds, from symptoms of an ordinary cold or fever. As of now, there have been up to almost 3000 cases of infection with up to 81 deaths, country wide. To this end, we are advised to always wash hands, stay in doors, except you must step out, and then wear a mask. Me and my family have been indoors, for the past 12 days.

Wear a mask, or stay indoors
My kids, safe indoors

In an effort to contain the spread, public transport facilities within and at the borders of the city, would from Jan 23rd, remain temporarily closed, till further notice. This means no one goes in/out by public transport. Circulation of private transport means are also regulated, but not totally restricted

This is the Chinese New Year holiday, when families come together to have some common rituals which are only done at such a time. The spread of the virus, has completely squashed the glory of this occasion. People are not allowed to sit in groups. You must only hug and kiss family and friends via WeChat (social media) because no one will open up their doors for you. If you are familiar with Chinese culture, then you know that each family is restricted to only two children. Well, it turns out, the older generation only have one kid and if that one hasn’t procreated, you find a bunch of lonely old folks who resort to the company of pets or teddies: worst off if they lose their spouse. In such a time, who do you turn to for company? I have gotten reports of people doing crazy things, to beat the boredom.

Shut indoors, toys become dinner companions

As you can tell, the streets are deserted…the shops which used to be super crowded are almost empty, people are barely looking each other in the eye, as they talk….”everyone except me and my family, is a suspected carrier.” hahaha. That seems to be the tone. When people brace up and finally hit the streets, they shop like there is no tomorrow.

This doesn’t look like a shop in China at all. Where did everyone go?

Let’s take a minute to talk about the heroes working tirelessly behind the scenes: I mean government officials whose hands are constantly on deck to find ways from within and outside China, to curb and eliminate the virus. Two new hospitals are currently under construction, exclusively to keep all infected patients. It will take about 10 days for the hundreds of contractors, to complete the task.

Many hands, hard at work, to save lives (Photo credit: Random online photos).

I am thinking of the workers busy at the companies manufacturing masks, gloves and protective gear, mostly headed for Wuhan city (kudos to everyone involved in getting these products right to destination). I think, most importantly, are the doctors and medics: Thousands have been deployed from several cities across China, to join their colleagues on the front line. These “angels in white,” as they are now called, against all odds, have rolled up their sleeves, remembering their oaths to save lives, as they face the infected patients in the quarantine wards.

Doctors at the front line with messages of hope

Life is no longer the same in Wuhan City. Those busy parents who didn’t even know the colour of their kids’ eyes, have been forced to stay home and bond with their children. Husbands and wives, who simply could not stand each other are gonna be 24h housemates. People have to find ways to beat boredom, it may be by playing games, watching movies, sleeping, praying, reading and the one I do not like to admit; overeating which is equal to weight gain.

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Hab 2:14.

Our prayers are up for Wuhan, God bless our City.


Celebrating Courage….Elevare Authors’ Award 2019.

Being an expatriate is in itself a daring leap, pursuing the very essence of your expatriation is even more painstaking and then putting yourself under a rigorous discipline of achieving anything as complex as authoring any piece of work calls for a celebration of courage.

The Elevare Authors’ Award is that platform that brings together and celebrates accomplished authors in China, most of whom are primarily students in different universities. This initiative, in its second year, is the brainchild of China based Tanzanian, Shubila Ruth Kikoko, who has a strong passion for the art of telling a story through writing.

This year’s event happened December 14th, in the city of Wuhan, PRC, with main focus: Celebrating Courage. It was all about recognizing the work of prolific writers, with different award categories.

Speaking about the essence of courage to author any piece of work, Keturah Kendrick, author of the book “No Thanks” thinks it takes courage to be black, free and living in a martyr free zone. In her own words, “It takes courage to write for the same reason it takes courage to live. It requires honesty and vulnerability, fortitude and a willingness to fail miserably.”

Clinton Kadochi is a young Zambian, author of the book “The Concept of a Knowledge Bank.” According to Clinton, writing a book is courage backed up by the desire for reaching out to help an audience live on informed decisions. “We write because we want to share our view of the matter, not because we know it all.”

In like manner, award winning author and medial student, Abel Hara, clearly articulates that it takes courage to be vulnerable enough to share your knowledge by writing a book. To him, it is like growing up in public.

Similarly, serial writer, award winning author and medical student, Stanley Asasu is assertive about how much courage he uses, to author every piece. The courage to be vulnerable and put his thoughts out there for the rest of the world to ascertain.

Last but not the least, awarded was Ahmed Bemba, an established author based in the city of Wuhan. Ahmed remarks that it is important for every author to write with a broad reading audience in mind, not limited to one’s country. Now, this is the courage that it takes to be an author. At this point, it is safe to say that VULNERABILITY is COURAGE.

The future of ELEVARE promises to be more encompassing, giving a voice to many more authors. As anticipated by Mrs. Shubila, this platform will set the stage for many upcoming writers, who have held on too long to their unrealized dreams of authoring or whose manuscripts have stayed with them too long, unpublished.

See you next year at Elevare 2020!

Christmas among Non “Christmasers”

The world is evolving, things are changing and people are moving; moving so fast and so far that for various reasons, we find ourselves in countries we only read about in school, like Vietnam, China and India.

As you probably have already heard, a country like China is generally not a christian country and so holidays like Christmas, mean nothing to the people. So, how do expatriates make this season memorable, looking a bit like home, away from home? Usually, Expats in Wuhan gather together at the home of one or at an outdoor location, sharing a potluck Christmas dinner or so.

Our apartment was home to about 30 African medical students to chime in the Christmas cheer, 18:30 Dec 25th, 2019. It was a tough job making dinner for the multitude, but at the end of the day, I love to serve people, I like cooking for people to eat.

We came, we ate, we exchanged gifts and then we shared the word. It was a good time of distraction for the students, most of whom were writing exams that day. We look forward to the new year with enthusiasm and grateful hearts.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020