…After Morning devotion…

Morning devotion is that period of the day when you see face to face, everyone that lives in the house. For all you know, life and hustle have people practically coming in and out the house at different times; but when you show up at 6 am in the sitting room, that’s when you realise that Auntie Martha has been bleaching her face.

If you grew up anywhere in Africa, you know what I mean. A typical household, used to be(or is) made up of both immediate and extended family members, and sometimes even domestic workers. So normally every one has their spot in the sitting room from which some are singing and others are just babbling, to please Mom and Dad. Usually, the spot next to Mommy or Daddy is for the good girls and boys, so do not sit there if you won’t clap or if your conscience will read through your face. As the devotion is going on, Mommy (or Daddy, but in most homes, Daddies are absent from these meetings) has her eyes round the room to scan people’s characters with her eyes, from their level of participation. Soon, you hear her pick brother or sister at the back to give a song, or recall what was shared the previous day. Another common thing is Mommy saying something like, ” Cynthia, you are not singing, but during the day, your voice is the loudest in the kitchen.” Hahaha you can relate, I know you can! It is during this time that besides sharing the Word of God and praying, general notices and admonishments are passed out because as you would expect, a multitude of people under one roof, a myriad of offences towards one another.

Photo credit: Michael Kelley

Morning devotion is good. Fellowship for worship is never a waste of time, and the 6 am sitting room ritual sends the message to every house member and visitor that “we are a Christian home.” BUT as vital as this activity is, it takes more than just morning devotion to know what is under your kids’ bed. Listen, a whole lot is happening in the lives of your kids and you need to be watchful enough to be in the know. I am not asking you to push a paranoia button but let your thinking go deep when it comes to the social life and well being of the people in your household, especially the kids. You had better not turn on the neutral gear concerning some sensitive things about the people who are under you care.

Photo credit: WELS

You see, some of us grew up in homes where we pray about the problem and not talk about it. Some of our parents do well to find out there’s a problem, speak about the issue as a reference point during morning devotion but only a few actually meet the child to ask what truly is happening. What a pity! I need you to remember that all those hands clapping, mouths singing and eyes watching you as you admonish, are owned by people who may have a truck load of issues happening in their lives. How would you know when you have your eyes in the air? How would you even realise there is a canker worm eating gradually into the fibers of the character of your little girl? Let me remind you that a lot of water passes under the bridge between two morning devotion sessions.

You introduced your children to the Lord and His Word….good for you. You teach them life’s principles during morning devotion and you go as far as schooling them on the reality of heaven and hell, that’s nice but as long as there are other potential influencers like peers and social media, you need to make sure that the values you are teaching them are pinned in their hearts all day long (even though I admit that there is only an extent you can go). This will not only happen during morning devotion. You can’t make the mistake of assuming that because they know Jesus, sing along during family devotion time, then they are alright. Jesus is not their parent, but you! Therefore, be pro-active in your approach and do not wait to manage a crises(reactive). Sarcastic conscience provoking speeches or yelling in the corridors is definitely not the way to go. If you anticipate a misbehaviour with child A, take it up (either Mommy, Daddy or both) with them in a friendly discussion and don’t make a fuss about it, no need! Rule of thumb is, you can only be befriended if you are friendly and how good and pleasant it is to be a sometimes goofy Mommy or Daddy buddy!

Photo credit: shutterstocks.com

Technology is evolving and so must we. I can’t say for sure if this makes parenting any easier, but it is my utmost hope that the contemporary parent is intentional about using new tech beneficially, while simultaneously guarding against its pitfalls. There is not telling the influence of the internet on both young and old so you need to be sure that your eyes are on the ground and your perception is sharp enough to pick every signal. Do not be like the traffic cops who plant hidden cameras to catch defaulters and get legal penalty fees, better be the ones who put warning signs that there are cameras ahead, so drive responsibly.

photo credit: riverwoodonline.org

Mommy and Daddy, morning devotion time won’t suffice. Get into your pre teenagers and teenagers’ rooms and strike a conversation where you rub off, teach life long lesson that are even embedded in jokes and riddles. Before you raise your voice or a cane, raise a word or conversation!


Grace and Peace,


6 thoughts on “…After Morning devotion…

  1. This post is deep and thought-provoking. Over time, we have developed defaults for parenting and think that the way we were brought up is the only way. While I am very thankful for the spankings I received (boy! was I naughty and mischievous!) I also cherish the “awkward conversations” that made me aware of the risks that I will encounter as I faced each phase of life.
    The bottom line is we must be intentional about parenting.
    Thanks for sharing CY. It is always a blessing to read from you.


  2. At one point I could not help it but laugh out load. Family devotion time was really a time to get all updates or family vipes. However, the coded words or unspoken are voiced message to God Almighty. I with never for any reason stay away from family morning devotions. Thanks CV.


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